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Benefits Of Digital Radiology For Pets
April 8, 2020

Modern medicine has developed in leaps and bounds over the past several decades, and veterinary medicine has gone right along with it. One thing that we are happy to offer here at 30th Street Animal Hospital is digital radiology, or, to use a simpler term, digital X-Rays. Digital radiology actually has some great benefits! A local East Indianapolis, IN vet lists a few of them below.


Digital radiology allows us to get very clear and accurate images. This is very helpful! In fact, this technology is so advanced that the images can be manipulated, which is also extremely beneficial.

Reduced Number Of Retakes

As you may know, it’s important to stay still when getting X-rays done. This is hard enough for people … never mind pets! It’s not always easy to get our patients to stand quietly. This, with traditional X-rays, often leads to needing retakes done. However, because digital radiology is so fast and accurate, we’re often able to get a clear image very quickly.

Lower Radiation Exposure

Another great thing about digital radiology is that it greatly reduces the level of radiation exposure pets get when having X-rays done. While these levels are low enough to be safe, this is one area where less is definitely more!

No Chemicals

In order to process traditional X-rays, you need several powerful chemicals. These also take time, which we would prefer to spend helping our patients. Digital radiology eliminates the use of these chemicals and processes. This also reduces our hazardous waste.

Easy Sharing

Digital radiology also makes it easier for images to be shared between veterinarians without needing to mail them or have a courier deliver them. Here at 30th Street Animal Hospital, we have access to board-certified radiologist interpretations. This is a wonderful tool to have in our toolbox, and one more way we strive to keep our patients healthy!

Is your pet due for an exam? Contact us, your local East Indianapolis, IN vet clinic, today!